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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. How dare he! :phu: Matt smoked just to impwess him!

    cabasa! :awesome: (you know i really dont know the story behind that) :facepalm:


    yea!!! he does love us after all :awesome:, after tonights april fools day prank, my mom was having doubts :shifty:

    ikr! computers can just be horrible sometimes



    oh well the first time i saw that pic id gotten home from school and my mom was still at work, that is a good time to come across those pics :shifty:

    :LOL: i think id die if she saw one of them...

    oh well at least they said nice eyes, my cousins and friends just go "eww he looks creepy/old/weird" :phu: they just dont know what a real man looks like! :LOL: drooling over their young people...

    yeah you just start to ramble and stop yourself halfway through



    lock the door! :LOL:

    yep john barrowman, i have three songs on my zune :facepalm: but he does have a good voice!

    :LOL: thats cool.......


    :eek: wait which one- forest, nick, or both:eyebrows:

    id be traumatized if either of them ever saw this :eek:

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