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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. :LOL: pwopa wock is good!

    thanks :happy:


    i wonder if hes like "oh god what are those PMTer's gonna do now!!" :LOL:

    i know like last night my computer was going ssoooo slow! then i run a scan and nothings wrong! :mad: I hate that!



    I know! Its like "shut the pmt! go to another web page! shes coming!" :LOL: i always flip the computer so she cant see it and change my position when theres something interesting on the page :eyebrows:

    oh yeah i got that from one of the old pmt tags.. :LOL: i was like woh! and its stayed in there ever since!

    the riskiest titles i have are zbluebum, sexy matt, and big matt *but those are just big pictures, tthat dont sound rite after pmt* i try to stay away from things my mom mite find.... :ninja:

    i tried to explain a dom pictyure to my cousin i went "and this is just some random banging pic... um i mean that hes banging on the drums.. um i mean, well i think i should just shut up!" :LOL:



    yeah alone is better! :chuckle:

    i am loving This River Is Wild and ive started to listen to John Barrowmen's music :facepalm: that is what david tennant leads me too.... :LOL:

    and i found out i have the same birthday day as Brandon! :awesome:



    i know, i love that kid! :happy:

    i think i kinda leaned into his hand a bit tho... :$

    me vewy lucky! :happy:

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