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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I never actually conciously have heard Jimi Hendrix's music. :eek: i think i need to discover more stuff :LOL:


    i was looking at it and wondering what matt must think after he gets off stage! I mean you dont see that in the past photots from gigs and from therr bands *at least i dont think so...* but anyway, i mean im just like wow,i wonder whtas going through matts head at that moment :LOL::LOL: That probably sounded realllyy weird..

    If my mom found them... id be dead probably.... um she saw one of the bum pics on pmt and was like :eek: WOH!

    thats why i always save like every minute, im paranoid its gonna get lost or something :chuckle:




    lol i sent that to my friend in New Zealand, i told her shed love the pics so, she was all "thank you... turd!" :LOL: she said the butt made her day...

    i love ma filenames! :awesome:

    i think the Pmt is nicer maybe.. idk



    I found out that dom insured his cock for like 1,000 or 100,000 dollars and i just burst out laughing! :LOL: i love doms character in that one.


    i need cpr! That is just.... ahdsfefbvppsafduf!!!


    i hate the eyes and the legs, yuck... ok

    i know hes so cute :happy: i got a hug today :dance::LOL:

    Nick is MINE! :fear:


    if he'd stop flirting with a taken girl!

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