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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I like the name Hendrix (just bcoz of dommehs puppy!) :LOL:

    I know they can look really cute and pretty then you get to know them... :shifty:


    i think i looked at that picture for too long :$ i love that picture..... i probably shouldnt be staring at it, but i am.... oh godbut i actually started saving those pics, *i need to get them on photobucket before anyone sees.* i title them something like "zbluebum" so they are in the very last place in the very last folder alphabetically! :LOL:

    did you save it???



    thats the magic of the mushrooms :awesome:

    which lovely photo.... *too many are flooding my mind to decide which one* :LOL:

    i know what you mean.... The PDTers scare me sometimes :noey: I havent been in there for a while



    I went on that lj last nite hoping for more, but instead i got some of this other chapter story and it wasnt anything "fun" so i was like "im happy that matt has friends and its great that dom might have insured his cock, but damnit i want belldom fUn!" :facepalm: (im reading one were the boys are in the porn industry and dom is a COMPLETE diva!)


    oh, im sorry.

    *explodes just at the thought* I want that dream


    They were always in my room for some reason when i was young and i got phobic about them

    bertha was beast! :chuckle: i never say that.. My Dom haired and Bellamy eyed buddy is a Killers fan! :awesome: He loves to pause my mp3 :rolleyes: and he was like watya listening to? and i was listening to the Killers and he was like i like them too theyre on my ipod. I think im in love with his beautiful eyes

    that was awesome, and there might be a guy who likes muse in my school and i think Nick is friends with him....

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