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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. Fergie :LOL: my cats are nutz.. i swear one of them is a ghost seeerer person/cat! she looks at the walls at nothing :erm: quite scary when im home alone! :LOL:

    :LOL: thank you.... evreyone needs an overture!


    ah! too many guys to keep straight! :LOL: well ive nevr seen brandons hands actually, like really noticed them, i just looked back at that pic and he does have quite distracting hands, so does tennant! I was watching some Hamlet clips and he had his hands on his face and im like :eek: those hands are amazing! god, i think i have a hand thing



    I know the shroomz which are a good thing for da matteh! I mean we got OoS from them! :awesome:

    i know but she says he is a crack addict and all the bad hard drugs!!!! She got me really upset one nite :facepalm:

    well i was watching it and she was just sorta watching some and she saw that! :eek: I didnt know what was on that dvd! :eek: so i was like OMG NO!i thought matt hadn't released that!



    i love the role reversal in it! Matt is really happy and is quite positive despite his father and dom! poor dom! I felt so sad for him! but lucky him he got matt, and i totally love how they are just so sweet and cute together.... and also quite :eyebrows: is that bad i know Nova gets a front row seat! :indiff: i know! I love that fic, four questions was just... i dont have words.


    i had the best and worst dreams last nite! I had a good one with matt and dom... :ninja:

    and i had one were i was talking to matt on stage and i was watching myself talk to him on a video : erm:, but then he all of a sudden had one of those "moments" hes been having lately... :$ in my dream.......

    then i had like 5 diff ones about huge and small spiders falling from the ceiling and swarming my room from all the corners and i couldnt scream or move or wake up! it was horrible :'(

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