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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. Nah, we talked about why i had picks, seeing as i play nothing! :LOL: and then some school stuff and our evil math teacher! grr! :fear:

    I have three cats, but i hate them now :LOL: I want a dog! one like dommehs!! :awesome: Hendrix is ssooo cute! :happy: I think i'd name him that or overture


    I have an imaginary cat named overture, hes the only good kitty! :LOL: made him up one morning, my mom and i were joking around she called me physco and nutz so i created overture! :LOL:


    i love that jacket! I like the ones he wears in the video for The world we live in. :yesey:


    god i love hully.... its just soo uh! i dont have words...



    IKR! id be like "no no mommy wasnt just looking at those sexy pictures of matt belamy! no not at all!" LOL

    yes he did! it was.... :stunned: i know it does tho.....

    four questions: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/86362.html#cutid1 matt in the rain, then dom in the rain...i think i mite read it again before my science homework


    those were good! :awesome: its actually coming along better than i thought, i usually draw nature stuff, trees and lanscapes/seascapes and stuff

    this is my bored in ss drawing: http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=theTARDIS.jpg

    ma twee: http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=atwee.jpg

    ma seascape (inspired by exeter): http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af263/bellsmuseiK/Other/?action=view&current=seascapeExeterDevon.jpg

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