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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. :LOL: Im texting Nick right now so of course i have this stpid grin on my face kinda :facepalm: I like never text him tho!


    :LOL: when i was reading that i was thinking something else :eyebrows: when you repeated my "with my mouth" line... :$:facepalm: then i looked at the pic it went to diff thoughts... :$ I shouldnt think like that...

    Ikr! I know i just kinda giggled like a silly fangirl...



    i would have been mortified :eek:

    oh yes maffoo... ok thoughts are re-arriving

    did you say fun all throughout :eyebrows: ... i love this one- cydonian thighs

    http://millionstar.livejournal.com/2009/09/02/ its funny and good

    oh i know! I mite name some pet Nova now! :LOL:


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