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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. One time I was vacuumming and listening to my zune, and some song came on so i was oidng that whole headbang/guitar/dancing/crazy jumps! and stuff and i walk out and there is my mom standing in the next room and she'd have to walked infront of the room i was in to get there i was like ; :eek::$


    thats stupid guitar... its so lucky! and it doesn't even know. You think Matt would notice if I took its place and just made guitar sounds with my mouth! :LOL:

    yeah i tend to like books better than their movies. I guess its coz if you dont agree with how the director see's it you can create your own image with a book. :yesey:


    I sjould have maybe put a warning on those pics, that is a dangerous combo after certain convos... :stunned: I shouldn't have just looked back at it!

    i know! Ive had the most horrible (well good..) pervy thoughts today!!!

    I absolutely love Tofu for that .gif. damn i wish i could use gifs as my background :facepalm:


    ok Ive been reading seventeen steps. I useed to freaked out by belldoms but this one is just so sweet and has those muse slash moments in them.... which are actually.. well :$

    this is her lj: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/2010/

    i love all of hers

    the first chapter is on Oct 14, 2009: http://millionstar.livejournal.com/69948.html#cutid1 this is the start, but later on when they get together is when the fun starts :eyebows:



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