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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I know I'm just like dancing all around and having a good time and :dance:. then my mom walks in and I'm like :eek: No you didnt see that!

    i envy that glitterati a lot! I need to be in its place more often.... i know its always matt's fault!

    I havent read it yet, but i always hear that it was really good and that people cried during it. but i should get around to reading it.

    um yeah i have it, im uploading it to pb *runs to pb.... runs back*


    here it is


    ok yeah that is hot! :$ i know

    OMG that is an amazing question.. um wow, I'd have to agree with your answer! ok images! :stunned:

    why does this come to mind:

    makinglovebellamystyle.gif god i wish i was were that guitar is.


    of course PMT has to post this now (i looked for maybe a bit too long :$:



    Have you ever read any muse slash (seventeen steps?)


    I just read my horoscope and thought it told me to wear something kinky :facepalm: it said kicky.

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