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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I know!! I dance like ssssooo much when I'm listening to the killers! I'll be like dancing around and just stop dead when my mom walks in! :LOL:

    oh yeah :eyebrows: "some stuff" sounds nice as i said earlier some licking may be involved :facepalm: I know rite! but its so hard not to go there...

    I know I haven't either, but i remember him :yesey: I read 1-4 and 6, i couldn't read 5. It was boring :noey: and i just never got to the 7th one. omg i know what you mean. that picture was amazing.. just AH! :stunned:


    take turns between kissing them! :LOL: oh no, i couldnt do that, id push brandon out. he's married duh!

    but these questions were nice pictures....

    how would you react if u was laid in bed tonight and someone got in bed next to you, and so you turn over and its matt laid there with his face soo close to yours looking sexy as ever ;D


    oh god i think i'd have to atack him! :eyebrows: kissing and um once again the shirt would have to be off!


    yummm.. matt kissing.. but WAIT,your chewing gum!! (god knows why you have gum whilst laid in bed) and by this point matt is taking of his shirt.. and trousers...


    I'd get rid of the gum, it'd get in the way! :LOL: but the rest.... thats just... wow. oh god its like that story is coming back.



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