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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I should do that! but then id forget it after i changed it! :LOL:

    oh yes matt on that scale :eyebrows: I dont know! :LOL:

    [spoiler=my lunch conversation]I was askingmyself the same question at lunch! we have the worst convos... :LOL: but today a guys size got brought up:eek: :facepalm: I have no idea how and the next thing i know my friend asked a guy were do you put it? (like when theyre dressed) :LOL:

    then we were talking about the shoe size thing, and immediatley matt popped in my mind! :rolleyes:


    I have three day weekend,:dance: so hopefully ill be able to catch up on pmt, but i have lots of homework!

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