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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. Yeah, I think at one point there was something about a fall tour :awesome:, so im hopeing! Are they coming to South America on the Resistance tour???

    :LOL: i know rite! I got to talk to him alot tho in science today.. lol

    My friend may come back soon, but shes just gonna show up at scholl at one day and not tell me before! :eek: I will like totally freak out in front of everyone and embarass myself! :facepalm: I'm not the public speaking/displays type of person.. :chuckle:

    I'm in love woth those pants, when I showed them to my mom she went :facepalm:


    I dont have twitter and what is msn??? I've heard people talk about it, but never knew what it was. :chuckle:

    Have you ever watched Dr. Who?

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