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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. i checked the ticket thing and the best available was like the second section (out of three) and it was behind the stage:mad:.... oohhh get a nice view of matts bum! :LOL: but i think when im in school on that day im not going to be all crazy and happy.... ill be all :( all day....

    well we both like muse and i think they've kinda helped me believe more in it... :LOL: songs about the end of the world, zetas, and gov. powers abusing their power help me believe :LOL:

    aw.. well i guess i kinda kno what ya mean. Nick told me the other day that he thinks my friend was hot and was wondering if she at all liked him :( and she and i had this fight thing but we better now, but she went :eek::stunned::LOL: when i told her so....

    Maybe you should go after Mateo! :awesome:

    Edit: I just got a leopard print belt! :awesome::LOL:

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