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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I know the feeling and thats only when i miss one day of PMT! :LOL:

    I think that has become a standered around my house, we say pwopa instead of proper. :matt: One time my mom said oh you left your zetas over here. im was like what? so she showed me the absolution cd case and im like "no mom! those are souls leaving the earth... *goes into much more detailed explanation*... not zetas... silly. :rolleyes: " now that is a normal convo in my house :yesey:

    I love those matt dreams they've been happening a lot lately :awesome:.. which im not complaining about. him saying words is nice tho.... love that accent... :stunned:

    He all of sudden turned into this guy from school :eek: the dream stopped shortly after i realized.. :LOL:

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