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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. i used to think he was ugly :LOL: yeah tim burton movies are :awesome: My mom and i are about the same height so :chuckle:

    I will have to be a good student then, :LOL: im typing in the dark and findin it quite hard! :chuckle:

    no... not so good! :eek: i have to look at hom woth out going :$ inn front of him!!! :noey:

    thats wat he looks like a bull gorilla! :LOL: :LOL:

    :LOL: it seems that ive been doing things like that more and more often! um.. oh fine yeah i guess thats what we want :shifty: i didn't say that...

    :LOL: dang and i was going to listen to darkshines next, but that wouldn't be good for the mind (ah the hell with it *turns it on*)

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