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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. yeah i was watching the hully extras on my computer and my mom was like "what are you watching?" I turned it off before Doms little tape :noey: I think thats why I wasn't so sure what to think about those pics of dom with the ladies.

    ok i think ive figured out what I love about that interview: the hair, how his eyes sparkle, i love that ring that he is wearing :awesome:, um his voice, and its kinda weird but he has like a bit of acne or something on one side of his face, but somehow he makes it cute :happy:

    :LOL: Ya know I will actually just play a random interview and not hear a word he's saying, but just listen to his voice :$

    Brandon is married though, rite? ah but there is a song called believe me Natalie :D

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