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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. So so pwoud of him! :chuckle:

    :LOL: that just isn't right

    Your quite welcome! :happy: I love OoS era videos (except maybe when they are going to those crazy parties :erm:) I love the interviews. oh have you seen this

    Matt just looks amazing.. i dont know what it is, but i love to watch this one :happy: (yeah not OoS but showbiz. close enough) Maybe its the way his eyes sparkle in the light.

    :LOL: Oh god don't even get me thinking about shortless Dom! :LOL: Well i guess I want that coz thats what I typed without even thinking about it! :LOL: Oh god Doms tape! :eek: I think Matt put some of it into those hully extras :shifty:

    Oh I'm going to PM someone tomorrow who I know has a link to those Dom pics so I should hopefully be seeing those soon!

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