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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. Yeah she'll be like what happened now? :facepalm: I think red matt is my fav besides longer, fluffy, iwannapounceonhimandrunmyhandsthroughhishair hair! :LOL: Yes he is so sweet :happy: I love how in his pics with fans he always has that smile like "i actually give a crap about my fans and love meeting them", you know because some people are just like wateva to the fans :noey: Yes every way :eyebrows:

    :LOL: See when I listen to a band I like absolutely have to run out that second and get their cds! :LOL:

    Well as I look he starts to grow on me more and more! :awesome:

    I love google! the weirdest things come up when you search for people! I now i was like HOLY CRAP IS THAT REAL!! :eek:

    Just checked twitter, Matt better be careful. Dont want an angry dom taking embarassing pics of matt! Or do we :ninja:

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