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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I know, my mom always knows that ive had a muse dream if I look like this in the morning- :D

    I know he was just... :stongue:

    :LOL: That was(n't) fucking pwopa! :LOL: I love his litle speach impediment thingy! :happy:

    I want more leg porn:ninja:.. darn once you see it ya can't get enough! :chuckle:

    Yep he is in there! ( i had to look it up on IMDb) Oh I bought three of the killers' cds today :dance:

    I got: day and age, sawdust, and hot fuss. and now im saving some pics from google of brandon. :facepalm: I have to show my cousin what he looks like!

    :LOL: I just found this on google http://www.thefrisky.com/tag/brandon+flowers/

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