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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. yep it sure comes in handy! You haven't ever thought of the other meaning, thats what i thought of right away, but when i came pmt was called pmt, not all spelled out. So it was only once someone said it i was like :eek:, but i still came back :facepalm:

    Now i can add the japanese to my list of people i don't like for some odd reasons (im not a french fan idk why :rolleyes:)

    who is Brandon Flowers ( was he in Q artists of the century, i think i heard it there?)

    I have to read the lovely bones. I wanted to, but my mom ordered it from the library so it came while I was reading another book: Interview with a vampire ( a good vampire book :LOL:) so i had to stop reading that and read the lovely bones.

    (i just read that they also got dead star, i really dont like them)

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