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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. (lol matt and his comp problems :D) ill have to go searching soon then! :happy:

    aw matt dressed up like a puppy, jjust like that blue paws twitpic! whenever i see that one i get this huge stupid grin on my face!

    (my cousin just txt me and said clementines=yummy! :eek:... :LOL:) I prob have like alot of repeats, but i see a really nice one and can't remember if i saved it, but i have my own laptop so my mom doesn't know (well too much) about my picture saving habit :ninja:

    ah lab coat, my mom thinks he looks stupid with it on :noey: its more like "hello doctor bellamy :eyebrows:".........

    thank you :happy: your name is pretty!

    (now to settle in with pmt and some earl gray :D)

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