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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. My mom hadn't heard of muse till I got all muse this and muse that... I can see how matt looks like a rabbit sometimes (rabbits are cute tho :happy:) I just dont see the rat :noey:

    Ceiling Dombie Kruger! i thought ceiling dom was scary (even tho i had that as my desktop for awhile :chuckle:) but ceiliing dombie kruger :eek:!!!!!!!! Omg that combined with Lady Gaga just on the news :stunned:

    My mom thinks I spend to much time on here (pmt mostly)... I think right now she thinks I'm emailing.... :rolleyes: I love it when he does those sounds, especially dead star! I can't believe that until christmas eve I hadn't heard the studio version :eek:, just the live V festival one!

    Oh yeah matt dancing! that was cute, but did he seem all that into to you?

    This is my fav. Matt dance atm:

    the way he moves his legs :stunned:
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