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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. So does your mom think he's good looking or he's a good choice because of something else? :confused:

    I just have to turn her onto origin of symmetry and showbiz (my favs ). I have to convert her into thinking that Matt and Dom aren't gay and are both good looking. she doesn't have to be pter, but she just needs to stop calling matt rat boy. :fear:.. lol

    Ah, i cant remeber my dream only that dom (of course :rolleyes:) was there!

    Oh god that oranges thing! :LOL: Last year that was a thing that came up on the bus, so that sounds familiar! :LOL::LOL: yeah i coulodn't eat an orange after that! but i couldn't give up the bananas! I love them, but my mom thinks i only like them because matt does... :facepalm:

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