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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. OMG thats scary your sis sounds just like my cousin! She say the exact same thing about the pink pants meaning that dom is gay and them being married! :stunned: i dont think ive ever let her see a muse funny moments vid *mental note: dont let em see those vids :shifty:*

    30STM, never heard of them, but Jared... was he one of twonkie's avs?

    My mom calls matt my boyfriend also.... :rolleyes:

    I know I'll be on pmt all night then have freaking dom dreams! Dom, I mean your cute and amazing (and sexy at some times), but i want matty in my dreams! :chuckle: Hot Dom and Matt dreams... :$um, yeah I know what you mean :eyebrows:.. :rolleyes:

    but do you ever go on PDT?

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