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Status Updates posted by Cha

  1. lol, I'm good, thanks.

    How 'bout you?

    [let's really hope Dom never gets in your room then, if he ever does you need to hide the shrine. Don't want to scare him away, do you?]:p

    I'm Cha ;D

  2. rofl, at least I'm trying to have a life.:LOL:


    But now I'm back, and it feels good. I've missed this place:happy:

  3. Yep-yep, Dom is the man. :LOL:

  4. I'm sorry I've been gone for ages, things happened.

    But I've been missing PDT as well!

    -hugs PDT-


  5. HEEEEY ;D

    My name is Charlotte, but Cha works fine :)

    What's yours?

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