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  1. Oh I just randomly googled him to see what he actually looked like. He looks mentally retarded, he had no chance Gridiron player or not :LOL:


    It should be :LOL: And well it will be at least to the rest of the world, or well the UK since we know nothing about the sport. But a guy whacking his cock and taking a picture of it? Legend :cool:


    Weiner? that's so American :LOL: but sweet coming from you all the same :happy:


    I haven't even started :( Even though I know what I'm doing and exactly what I need to do it still makes no sense and I can't relate it enough to actually write anything down. This looked so easy as well...meh. But well done you, I have 8 assignments in this one unit to finish, then another 3 units in different subjects with 6-8 in each. FML. Although the others I essentially have 2 weeks to do, but still. But aww you, do you need to get them done now? I'm close to calling it a night already and giving up for now..I can't though. I'm just looking forward to catching you!

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