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Posts posted by sdxfcg_ersxdtcfh

  1. I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant and was trying to cross a stream in some woods, but there was nothing I could lay across it to walk over. Matt came from behind me and took my hand and we walked over the water!! There was a couch on the other side and we sat down on it. He took my hand and I asked him is this real and he wouldn't answer me. I need a new psychologist :LOL:

  2. my kinda-Muser-ish friend had a dream about having sex with Matt :eek: ...

    he was supposed to be her friend from middle school but somehow he looked like Matt :p



    should i be jealous? :ninja:


    AWH MAN, I love those dreams :p


    aww :happy: that's a nice dream


    Twas beautiful :happy: Until I woke up, that was shite :LOL:

  3. The night before last I had one that Muse were playing at my old primary school! I was talking to Matt in the hall before and I was showing him where I used to walk around and all that. He was like, that's so cute! I took a picture of us on my phone and then discovered that the picture fucked up somehow, and it looked like I just photoshopped myself in with him :LOL: Then it was time for him to meet the others on stage. He took my hand as he walked up to it, and I was like JIZZ. But as soon as we got outside and saw the crowd, he let go of me. I was so pissed off :LOL:

  4. Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


    I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!



  5. Last night's was myself in some industrial estate. It was pitch black out and frezzing. I jumped up as high as the cranes, and when I was about to land all the way back down into some sea I saw Matt below me. After calling him for ages he finially heard me say, ''Catch me, Bells! Catch me!'' He started walking casually towards me and just when he was about to catch me, his face turned into mine! :LOL:

  6. :wtf::LOL:

    are you sure you thats all you did under the covers?



    Sadly, yes. :LOL:


    That sounds like quite a lovely and hilarious dream. And does tend to make the mind wander... ;) Too bad you had to wake up! Although, it seems like more of a Dom thing to fix hair, lol.


    Yeah, it's such a Dom thing... Maybe Dom will paint my nails tonight, you never know :chuckle:

  7. i've converted my friend so much that now SHE is having muse dreams INSTEAD OF ME! :facepalm:




    Last night I dreamt that Matt brought me into his room and we listened to MK ULTRA underneath the bed covers. It sounded like MOTP reversed and I started crying so he did my hair to cheer me up :LOL:

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