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Posts posted by Trud

  1. Hey there


    Been a while. Have been AWOL. Completely forgot I was a member :$ Can't remember the last time I posted here. Really should try to make more of an effort....


    Anyways, just wanted to say I'm super stoked MUSE are coming to BDO next year - kinda sux arse though because I'll be 38 weeks pregnant so i'm really really hoping I'll still be in one piece and can make it there. I had been kinda hoping the line-up for BDO was gonna be shit and was really kinda hoping MUSE weren't coming because if I couldn't make BDO I wouldn't be so pissed off about missing it. So the plan is hubby and I will buy our tickets and I plan on going - even if it means sitting in the back of a St Johns ambulance in labour watching MUSE and keeping my legs crossed until the end of the show - then the baby can come HAHA. When I saw them at Trusts stadium in 2007 I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter, so I'll be pregnant again at a MUSE gig with my next daughter - I see a trend developing here.......I think I'm planning these things on purpose to ensure my children's music preferences are influenced in utero - don't want them listening to crap like Hannah Montanna!

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