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Noel Gallagher

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About Noel Gallagher

  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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    Still a fuckin' peasant as far as I can see...
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  1. Yeah, seems to be a recurring theme these days to just be a complete dick when I'm trying to be nice to you :p Might have to phase the niceties out of the picture completely now since you clearly would much prefer me to give two shits about you :phu:......:p


    But their wings are what helps make them so cute :supersad: And whatever, I'm not soppy......you on the other hand......:p


    Hahaha you can't admit to being 'ard anymore come onnnnnn! But yeah they're extremely cute, just little fluff balls really :happy: And awwww that's an adorable picture! I think we've come to an agreement hehe :D


    I know I've spoken with you already but yeah I am feeling a bit better, like I've said I've been kind of loading myself up with meds so I think they're helping. But how are you feeling today with those third degree burns you got all over your face from that chili sauce....fucking idiot. :LOL: N'awww in seriousness though, hopefully you're doing ok :)


    Ah well nice one! Definitely excited for this one, should be awesome :D And yeah whatever, you've seen them both before, at least Deadmau5 I know, but have you seen Skrillex? Either way.... whatever!


    Exaaaaactly, you can't even claim that I'm being all harsh and mean about it because you know you'd be about 10x worse if the situation were flipped! You dick! So yeah, can't wait to hear how she is on Monday.....surely thinks you're just lying about being in a relationship now as well aaaaand you're welcome for that :D


    But yeah as you know everything seems to be working fine with the wifi and all that so that's nice....just try to keep the cheating at a minimum please? :) Haha speak to you soon I'm sure!


    Mwaaah! xxxxxxx

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