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Noel Gallagher

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About Noel Gallagher

  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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    Still a fuckin' peasant as far as I can see...
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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Awww you, wellll glad that's the case. I quite like how you say a few things yourself...especially how you can't pronounce the word "DAYUM" :LOL::happy: And well I don't personally know any doctors...buuut do know what you mean anyways haha. But ahh I see, yeah that makes sense. And good! You should, dick. :p And oh were you? Well nice one, I could see you doing that to be honest...but yeah anything with business involved you'd have to have some background in finance you know! Buuut ahh nice one, I've actually heard of all of those to be honest, just forgotten them all :LOL: And I bet it's hilarious hearing you say Spanish words in your accent! And by hilarious I mean cute of course:D


    Well great, glad you will stay the same then! And haha yeah you'd be a great role model for all young aspiring footballers clearly :cool: And that is true! Have you had much time to spend on that as of late? But awww well, the same goes for me...and I'm sure we'll both be just fine! Haha I now, I knowwww and ohhhh shush. :p


    Awww you :happy: But I was kidding you know...and come on, ditzy? What?! And exactly, so be careful for what you wish for :phu: haha teasing myself!


    He is! No one's heard of him hear, and I doubt many people will to be honest. Shame! He's brilliant :D And ahhhh man they did?!? That's awesome for them, I bet they were thrilled...but of course, I hope you're not too gutted dear awww! Haha I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't know the wound was still so fresh...my bad :p But ahh I see, had no idea! And yeah they are kinda cute...but I feel like I would lose it or something! But come on, would you pick a frog over this?





    Haha ooops, must have been a typo there :p And nooo, not that! Well....maybe......


    Haha figures :p But it was just a Vikings game again...to be honest I don't know what the fuck happened I ignored the entire thing! But yeah I mean, if you didn't get your point across before, you clearly did now! And ahh I see well cool. Hmmm I probably won't be leaving Rochester until half 6 or 7 though, as I'm dependent on getting a ride from my brother and he wants to stay for dinner, so by the time I'd get back it'd be really late for you. So, I'm not really sure what you'd want to try to do...I could probably catch you for a bit here soon if you'd like maybe? Although wouldn't be able to speak long as everyone's around and will have to head off for dinner and then get my things together to leave after that. But if it doesn't work out that's okay too, there's always tomorrow :) But just let me know what you're thinking/what you'd want to try to do!


    Haha nooooothing....

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