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Noel Gallagher

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About Noel Gallagher

  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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    Still a fuckin' peasant as far as I can see...
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  1. Awww well awesome then! I'm not too sure either really, I tried to look through all the settings a bit and it doesn't seem that complicated buuut you never know until we try it out I suppose! So yeah, if it does work it really would help loads :happy: Aww just being honest you know!


    Hmmm I see...well yeah we still have lecturers that are also doctors and whatnot. Like, they've gone and gotten all the degrees they can and just decided to fucking teach at the end of it. But get paid an INSANE amount more just for having their PhD. Dicks! But speaking of imagination really, that's a lot of what sign language is about..and that's kind of how you learn at first! You have to rely on yourself to figure out the basics, with the help of the professor of course, but without speaking you're kind of just left with acting things out the best you can. It's like charades :LOL: And yeah we're not supposed to talk, but you're right they can't always tell, so there are always a few things said here and there. That said though, it's disrespectful to speak around them anyways especially when they're trying to teach you their language. So I dunno! But ahh yeah, I suppose that's it really. And well, at least I have been trying, so I can't get too down on myself for that. Also, I think this class that I am taking is more geared towards those who would want to do research in this field, which I definitely do not want to do! So, as much as I don't want to suck in this class, I won't feel terrible if I don't ace it or anything. But yeah, she did seem a bit annoyed or upset about it...but I assured her I'd go out with her tomorrow night as she has more plans and everything. Soooo as much as I do feel bad, and she might be a bit upset, I'm sure she does/will understand, and I'll make up for it tomorrow so not much else to be done about it really! And yeah, just fucking retarded...as usual :LOL: I posted a mini rant in the things you hate thread about it, honestly I have no words to describe what I think of her sometimes :LOL:


    Awww well that's sweet you know...and I know, I know, I hate stress and what it does to me..but it's a necessary evil at times I suppose, but of course no one wants to be too stressed, and well..I try my best not to be! And am usually not to be honest, mostly just school really if anything...but haha exactly, got your priorities straight I see....except for that bird you mentioned at the end..fuck that! :p Kidding of course, just lovely of you you know :happy: But yeah I see what you mean, but there's also general knowledge that exists because of history, science, etc. etc. Things that you can't just create on your own but have now become basic facts and whatnot. You're a walking example of knowing loads of random facts :p Haha I love it though! But yeah you're right in the sense that through your own imagination and creativity you can have knowledge that comes about from raw experiences and everything. Haha I don't doubt us for a second you know :D I know you're not teasing....you would have instantly. :(........:p


    Haha awww I was too! You know I know you're no nerd :p And yeah I think we both do need it, but of course I want to catch you too! That said, it's almost 3am for you...but I'll be good to get online in the next 10-15 minutes or so if that's okay with you?

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