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Status Updates posted by DarthWenus

  1. text is a much better option.

  2. That'd make for some interesting conversation between you two.


    Him: How was your day?

    You: I got an A+ on my spelling quiz!

  3. Ok, for a minute there I thought you meant THE Ryan Smyth. haha

  4. Oilers have been pissing me off for years. Especially since they traded Smitty away.:S

  5. What would drive me away? You being a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs would do it! haha

  6. Nay, you didn't scare me off. It takes more than that to do it. haha.

  7. Thank ye kindly! :D


    I like the crazy talk. haha

  8. Thank you. It's just been rough for me.

  9. No no, I'm not going to hide from you. I'm just not comfortable with posting pictures of myself. I'm just a weirdo like that.

  10. Oh kiddo,I would love to show you a picture,but I can't. This once again boils down to my self conscious issues. :S

  11. Poop brown eyes,glasses and the polar opposite of Bad Pitt. haha

  12. Ummm, I was there once....for a yellowcard concert. :O



    And I'm not much too llook at. 6'6, 350 pounds.

  13. For real?


    I wonder if my fat ass can fit in em. But still, the show is listed as GA.

  14. yeah, it hurt a fair bit. Ever since then my back has bothered me when I stand for so long. So I'm worried.

  15. I didn't break anything, but I bruised my cocyx pretty bad. And I bruised my lower back muscles. It hurt to poop!

  16. Oh, I've had a bad back for years, ever since I hurt it on a trampoline. Apparently, it's not wise for 8 people to play Crack The Egg at the same time. Only thing that got cracked was my back. Ouch!

  17. Yeah,I'm think it should be an alright night. Though I'm worried about my back. It's just screaming misery for that night.

  18. Aww, man. Poor kids gonna be messed up later on in life.

  19. Ouch. That sounds rough.

  20. I wouldnt want to be part of that household.

  21. Aye, some kids need that, but these days if you even look at a kid the wrong way,you get charged with abuse.

  22. Nope. That kid was an ass. He needed a good smack.

  23. Oh yeah, they totally did. This was back in elementary though.

  24. I knew a kid who got several strappings a year. You'd figured he'd learn.

  25. well wtf?! What about a good ol'strapping??

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