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  1. It's a terribly long story.. but I'll try to sum it up for you.. The VIP packages promised us things that we didn't get, and we paid for them (they were 100 dollars each plus the cost of a ticket). Tom Delonge was a total douchebag.. which made me sad because my sister loves their music.. It'd be like if I met Muse and they told me to fuck off. He was really rude to everyone who paid just to meet him.. I dunno. Plus the venue was shit. They advertised it as all ages but then split it up, luckily we didn't notice, and walked right past security to the front of the stage (my sister's only 16). But my 17 year old brother had to watch from the balcony. It was just a bad day. Say Anything was awesome, but Tom pretty much ruined the experience for me. I don't really know their music, but anyone who treats their fans like shit doesn't get my money ever again.

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