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About Muza_girl

  • Birthday 10/07/1986

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Escapee (1/14)



  1. hello, Russia!

    you're from joinmuse?

    nice to meet you here=))

    we can speak russian, if it's more comfortable for you=)

  2. ohh np lol nice to answer ^^

    well i remember the nickname was like schizo_muza or something yeah... not sure exactly what but actually this might be this profile here rather


    and it fits, its from riga. I dont know lol if by any chance you would know this profile in another site then??

    Thanks again a lot to answer :p

  3. hi! I'm really sorry, I've just read your message here. I don't often check this site.

    & I can't remember if I use a username schiza muza ever. just muza_girl.

    if you are looking for somebody from Riga (actually I am from Moscow,Russia) i can try to help u coz there are a lot muse fans from Latvia on russian site.

    take care

  4. Hi there wonder if you didnt use once the name of schizo muza or somethin on the muse chat or on msn but it was like a few years ago... maybe 4 i think. If I remember wel you shoul be from riga... ?

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