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Posts posted by Vunit66

  1. After twenty three years of going to Muse gigs it would be unreasonable of me to expect them to be as good as their previous best (Psycho Tour, Newport Centre, 2015; Simulation Theory Tour, Birmingham Arena, 2019).
    After the somewhat disappointing Glasgow Bellahouston Park gig in June I would've been happy if they had just returned to their usual level in Manchester.

    The Manchester gig turned out to be not only the best Muse gig I've seen, it was also the best gig I've ever seen by any band in my entire life.

    A gig of a lifetime.

    Attached are a few low-res images and video snippets I shot on the night.





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  2. The company line that the abridged set was because of a curfew is clearly nonsense.
    They came on late, they didn't finish early.
    The stage was cleared and set-up ready for Muse by 8:30pm. Their usual start time.

    The reduced staging and lighting were also a disappointment.

    On the plus side they played as well as ever. And the sound was as superb as ever. (Thanks Mr. Carolan).
    The event organisation and site were first rate too.

    I got to see MacMuse the night before in Glasgow. They were by far the best Muse tribute I've seen or heard. Check them out if you can.

    I'm writing this after seeing Muse's Manchester AO Arena gig in September 2023. It proved the Glasgow Bellahouston Park gig was a rare blip.



  3. I pre-ordered the Signed Will Of The People Standard Bundle way back in March.
    I've still not received it, six days after the release date. It hasn't even been dispatached yet: the order's showing as 'Not Shipped' with a status of 'Packing'.

    I've never had this problem with pre-orders in the past. They've always arrived ahead of the release date.

    Has anybody else experienced a similar delay in getting their Will of the People album delivered?




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