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Status Updates posted by Andrew28913

  1. Gd thankx. Can't stand this heat though :( Hate Summer weather :mad:

    How's you then?

  2. So I did :eek: Silly me. Guess I love myself a bit too much :p


    Yeah, tis the Oliver Hirschbiegel movie. Excellent movie, if not a lil bit disturbing in places.

    I've seen Gone With The Wind. I was a bit disappointed by the end tbh, I was like "Oh...so, like, 4 hours of my life for that?" But on the technical side of things it's absolutely amazing, for 1939 and all.


    I do indeed like ABBA :D I like some of the more obscure songs, mainly Under Attack and Ring Ring. I love the stuff they did in their last couple of years together - got a lot darker and meaningful, some very good stuff there, the birth of emo I say :D

  3. Ooh, there are so many :D


    I love sci-fi, so stuff like Cube and some of the Star Treks,

    I looove special effects filled disaster movies, stuff like Poseidon and Titanic,

    I also love really moving movies, like Downfall (chillingly brilliant) and Casablanca (I sound about 80 years old saying that, but it truly is timeless).

    Then the rest is odd bits and bobs, like ABBA The Movie, Battle Royale, Snakes On A Plane etc.


    Wow, I never realized how much I love talking about myself :p

  4. The colour is perfect. One of those things that just works I guess :p

  5. Oh, I like, tis a good movie. Just thought it was more of gay appeal :p

  6. The girl likes Brokeback Mountain...:stunned:

    But Donnie Darko! Yay! 74_74.gif

  7. you haz the lulliest avatar evar :happy:

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