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Posts posted by Caitycat

  1. the other night I dreamt that Muse visited my school and I won the opportunity to hang with them in a classroom at lunch time. They really weren't interested in it, keeping to themselves except for when they were asked to sign something- it was rather akward!


    Later that day i saw Chris wandering aroung looking lost, so I obviously offered to help him. i later got to meet Dom and Matt at their bus. They were all much friendlier in the more relaxed environment- twas great!


    Dom came with me as I dropped my sister off at ballet (which is odd cos she doesn't do it in real life and was wearing the most ridiculous costume!!) h was really nice- we became good friends!


    That night i went to check my email and saw there was one from Dom (!!) I clicked to open it and....


    My phone went off!

    it was 6am and my friend wanted to know whether she was to wear school uniform for the exam (at 9)... i was rather shitty at her :p

  2. Muse were playing at what was apparently my school. I was in the second row (all seated) with my friend and fellow Muse lover.. none of the school kids really got into it except for a couple of my friends and I, and at the end of the show, Muse jumped over the row in front to come and chat..


    Matt told my friend that he liked his shirt... so he took it off and gave it to him


    ..kinda random

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