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Posts posted by InsertCreativeNameHere

  1. Muse please stop using ''Gigs and Tours'' for these sales!! They are an awfull provider. Just as when I tried to get tickets for the Echo arena, Liverpool - I finally got onto the sales page, put in how many tickets I wanted (6), filled in my details and clicked purchase only to be given the message ''Not enough tickets available to meet your order. Please click here to go back''. Which I did and decreased my order to 5 then 4,3,2 each time be told ''You have already submitted this order. Try again'' on numerous occasions!! Eventualy I went back to the start only to see the tickets were sold out. Anyone else have this problem? Pisses me off.


    Thats shite, I'm sorry :(


    I've always ordered all my tickets from see and I've never had any problems with them. :erm:

  2. NOTHING will ever top Stockholm Syndrome and Bliss ext at Wembley 17th June 2007. I thank God everyday that I was able to witness those epic performances in person.


    Stockholm @ Glasto > Stockholm @ Wembley


    The vocals at Wembley were quite weak because he was saving himself for the last song but at Glasto he could really go for it because it was the last song.

  3. MOTP is on an advert for a TV show called 'Broken Arrow' on E4 for anyone who cares.


    heard Starlight in Next yesterday...that was the reason i went into the shop...:p


    Heard MoTP as background music for trailer for some programme called 'Broken Arrow'....


    n00b :p:LOL:

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