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Posts posted by starlight_lucy

  1. Morning PCT :kiss:


    I'm so angry atm just take a look at this :mad:




    Someone wants to help me murder this stupid journalist? :fear:

    Who is he to treat our Chris that badly by writing this? Not to mention that he or she calls him "some guy" as if he's not worth being mentioned as Chris, the awesome bass player from Muse :stunned:




    She'll soon realise she has a barrel of Chris fans to deal with XD we'll all take her out :yesey:

  2. I dreamt the other night i was at funeral and Dom and Matt where there chris wasnt but it wasnt his funeral =/ i dont know who's funeral it was but Matt and Dom where comforting me then suddenly disappeared :eek:


    Then last night i dreamt I was watching Doctor Who with Matt was fun :D

  3. When Uprising was first released i was in the dentist chair with the dentist about to come at me with his needle and drill and Uprising came on the radio i was like thank god for Muse they save me in time of need for 5 minutes after the song ended i ended up with tears running down my face :LOL::rolleyes:

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