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Jay Bee

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Posts posted by Jay Bee

  1. I had a dream that I was in my car with Matt, Chris and Dom in Preston. I suggested a night out in Lancaster. They were all enthusiastic about it. But Matt said 'I'll just have to call my dad to tell him where I'll be. He worries.'


    So i drove us all up to Lancaster, even though I was sat in the back seat. Chris was in the drivers seat even though I was driving. Dom was the front passenger and Matt was sat in the back with me. He was wearing a black woolly hat like he does when he is on the speedboat on the Hullabaloo DVD extras.


    Unfortunately, by the time we arrived to Lancaster Muse had morphed into my friends that I usually go out with. :(

  2. Showbiz - 'Controlling my feelings for too long'




    Shrinking Universe - 'Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwawawahhhhhhhhhh '

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