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light magician lay

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About light magician lay

  • Birthday 05/08/1990

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    Student Of Laws
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    The Prestige, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Illusionist, Equilibrium.
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  1. Ahmadinejad; He's the Irani president or something, but everyone keeps going on about him because he very clearly rigged the elections so that he won again.

    It's sickening. Now everyone's talking about bombs and war... and it literally makes me want to bring my dinner back up. How on earth can we think of blowing people up when we've caused so much damage already? P'rhaps we should focus on saving the planet and tending to the sick before we return to war again? We will inevitably do so. AGH!!! These self-obsessed... BASTARDS (scuse my french)!!! How can us happy lot oversee that there are rulers how are misusing the aid sent to their countries? why doesn't this fill every mind, every moment, with guilt and pain?! It should.

    When i've had a really tough week and i just want to sit down and cry, i find myself hating me. I forget. Why should i have the right to be upset about homework and a few annoying kids when there are people dying? starving? screaming? Why?

    It's so wrong. War... Famine... why? No - what i meant to ask was: why is no1 doing anything about it?


    Whenever i have one of these moments and my mum's around, she always reminds me that there's a lot of good in the world, too. My reply is always the same:

    "I'm not sure there is, anymore."


    P.S.: I'm sorry if i burst your (what i like to call) happy safety bubble. I just think these things should be said.

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