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light magician lay

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About light magician lay

  • Birthday 05/08/1990

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    Films, games, music, books, etc.
  • Occupation
    Student Of Laws
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  • Favourite Films
    The Prestige, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Illusionist, Equilibrium.
  • Favourite Books
    Harry Potter, Philosophy, Laws, and more.
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  1. Thanx a tonne

    Yeah, i play the electric guitar... it's something i've always wanted to do - even b4 i heard of Muse.

    Feel free to call me a rich spoilt English girl. It's not tru but lot's of people think tht about me anyway! We're... Wealthy... I guess... not rich... My dad loves to spoil me, even more than he likes to spoil my 2 younger brothers! But mum's against it so passionately that we're not pwoperly spoilt! like i know families with very little money who spoil their kids with their own TV, Laptop, Computer, PSP, PS3, Wii etc etc...

    We had a Wiii up until recently though... we had to share it... But we were burgalled (excuse my spelling!) and they took... a lot... Wii included... Oh well. Not the end of the world.

    Our family's good at getting over things! Like all my friends thought it was really awful and they were all so sorry for me... which totally confused me coz it just didn't bother me! wii, a few DVDs, my mums cash (thank god she didn't hav a lot of it at the time!!), her phone, dad's laptop... My brothers' DSs... didn't really affect me... not that i'm not sympathetic to the rest of my family... I'm happy to live without these things you know? not everyone has them, so i'm not gunna get all upset wen they're taken away from me. I never use much technology other than my phone and the computer anyway...


    Have you noticed that Ahmadinejad sounds a lot like I'm-a-dinner-jacket? lol

    i sound really young and silly... i'm only 12 but... let's just say people are often telling me that i'm 'beyond my years'...

    wow i write a lot...

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