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Posts posted by fiofo

  1. There was a bit of uninteresting preamble before this dream became a full-on Muse dream. I can't remember it very well, but I think it was something to do with looking for a secret Muse gig in a city somewhere (I've recently watched Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, so I think that's to blame).


    A group of people did find this gig, and it turned out to be in a massive sports hall.

    We (my friend Sasha and me) went over to some sound equipment and Dom and Chris suddenly appeared, setting everything up. I wanted to talk to Dom, but was too shy. To my surprise, he beckoned us over and started talking about how brilliant the synths he was going to be using are. He said something like, "See how they're all slides? It means I can fade them in and out rather than them just stopping halfway through like what DJ [insert unknown name here] does. He only has buttons."

    I nodded and pretended to know who he was talking about.

    I looked behind Dom, to see Chris dancing around to the pre-gig background music, pipe in hand.

    Then Matt and Tom [Kirk] showed up, I turned to look at them, but Tom had his back to me and for some reason he looked a little bit like Breckin Meyer. Then Matt looked at me like he recognised me from somewhere. He gave me a cautious hug, because he still couldn't place me, then all of had to go backstage to set up.

    Sasha and me went to find somewhere to sit, only just realising that the stage was at the opposite end of the hall to us. We went and sat on some benches that were all side on to the stage, so we all had to straddle them. I looked around and noticed some people I hate (in real life) were all sat near me. One of them started complaining that she couldn't enjoy the show if I were there. So I threatened to kill her, and that shut her up.

    Two warm up bands came on stage: We Are Scientists and another one, whose music I knew but I didn't recognise the band. We Are Scientists played a chord, then "passed it on" to the other band who started playing Let's See It by WAS, who also joined in.


    I woke up before Muse came on. Gutted.

  2. I had a couple of Muse dreams recently, but I can only remember one of them:


    A load of musers (myself included) were trying to get into a building that Muse were in, but every time I succeeded I found myself locked in the basement (literally sealed in). I reappeared outside after a while, and tried to get back in, but found myself in the basement again. This time, there were some maintenance men in there and they showed me how to get out. I ended up in a room full of cross stitching threads all hanging on the wall (very colourful!) and Muse were there, so I told them about being locked in the basement, and Matt flipped out and started yelling at this woman that it was a terrible thing to have done...

  3. Muse (more specifically Matt) featured as a quick cameo in my dream. My sister switched on the TV, because she knew Muse were playing at Glastonbury that night. I tried to stop her, because it was already halfway through the gig, and I was going to watch it on iPlayer later. She fought me off and Muse were indeed in the middle of their set. Matt wasn't holding his guitar, but singing into a head microphone (you know the ones that popstars normally use?). I immediately switched it off, but not after reeling in horrified shock that Muse were officially becoming popstars. I'd already noticed that the musers on twitter were up in arms about it. I wasn't happy when I woke up :(

  4. I had a dream that I won a competition to meet Muse, but the dream started when I was already with them and I was talking to Matt. We had a very long, sparkling conversation (I was far wittier than normal), then I spoke to Dom, but it was fairly briefly (even though in my head I wanted a full conversation with all of them), and with Chris it was even worse, because nothing came out right and I just couldn't talk to him (you know how it is in dreams when everything goes wrong?).

    Can't remember much of the rest of it, apart from Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...


    A whole mess of WTF? :LOL:

  5. I had a quite stupid Muse dream last night.... I heard police cars and saw light outside so I went out to see what all the hullabaloo was about... turns out the police had Dom up against the side of my house, and he was just yelling "I SWEAR I DIDN'T SLANT ANYONE!!! I SWEAR!!!!!" *so many questions*


    :LOL: Haha! That's brilliant! Sounds like someone's been listening to that loveline interview ;)

    Nice use of Hullabaloo as well :happy:

  6. My dream last night was just a series of unrelated, short scenes.

    The bit with Muse in was a video of them talking to Russell Brand. Russell told them an anecdote that was supposed to be funny, but Matt, Dom, Chris, Morgan and Tom all just looked at him with really solemn expressions...

    Very peculiar!

  7. At the moment, I'm currently in a lot of rehearsals for a 4th year Director's play at Uni. Recently, I've been getting a bit fed up with it for various reasons, and last night it showed in my dream. In the dream I went mental, screaming at the other actors, hysterically running around stage and crying (for the record, when I say I'm fed up - I'm not THAT fed up, but that's dream for you :p) Anywho, I'm doing this for a while getting out of control when the director finally comes up to me, grabs hold at me and goes "CLAIRE! CALM THE HELL DOWN!!! GO AND SEE MATT BELLAMY!!! NOW!!!!!" So I storm off in a sulk, next the scene changes and I'm outside walking cautiously round a garden shed until I find him, stood there staring into space, with some sort of Buddha like air about him. I calmly talk to him, tell him what's bothering me, he turns silently, blesses my forehead and disappears, leaving me to go back to rehearsals totally calm and apologising for my behaviour. Spirit Matt is awesome :LOL:


    Wow! That's epic :D

  8. My sister had a Muse dream, where Matt was dressed quite scruffily. Him and my sister were starring in one of those gritty British dramas you often see on Sky, apparently.

    I can't remember what else she said about it; but she rather enjoyed it, I think!

  9. I had a dream a few nights ago, where I was on a panel show, between Chris Addison and Dara O'Briain with Jonathan Ross hosting and Muse were the live band. Chris and Dara were answering questions in a banter-like fashion.

    Then Muse played a cover of a new indie song (I can't remember its name), then came over to where Chris and Dara were sat in complete silence with a certain amount of shyness. Jonathan commentated their actions as they made a structure out of wooden blocks (whilst holding them they were the size of Duplo, but once assembled they were coffin-sized). Matt was very timid and didn't really know what to do; leaving it to Dom who, according to Jonathan, "had a great eye for this sort of thing". Chris applied masking tape to hold the structure together, then set it on fire (he was trying to blend it together). It created some acrid-smelling smoke and the whole studio was set alight. I was walking through part of the structure at the time, so I didn't know where the exit was. Someone told me to follow their voice, but I didn't know which direction they were in. Not sure if I got out or not in the end...

  10. I had this dream that I was in a casino and Matt was this cheesy gameshow host doing a quiz that I was loosing. Afterwards he came and sat next to me and we started talking about gargen snails.. then suddenly I was his hairdresser? He looked like he did in the Bliss video, only a lot more grey hairs and he had, eh, dandilions and daisies growing out of his scalp... WTF? Seriously, I think my brain finds a secret supply of crack when I'm asleep.

    Anyway, I was laughing at the flowers on his head and cut them off for him. Then I went home and my little brother was crying because some kid at school was bullying him. I asked him who it was, and he said Matt Bellamy.



    :LOL: That's fantastic!

  11. Woah, alotta Muse dreams lately! :eek:


    I guess this could sorta be counted as a Muse dream..


    I was at a music store, but instead of CD's, they had these Aerosol/Spray things instead, and when you sprayed them into the air, Music came out. (:wtf:) So anyway I found the Origin of Symmetry Spray, and I sprayed it into the air and this yellow stuff sprayed out and a song started playing (I dunno which one), but then the alarm went off in the store and I got in trouble for spraying it without buying it, and then the security made me run laps around the store as a punishment, and they were chasing me with whips.


    The end. :stunned:


    Aerosol music?? That's brilliant!

    Also: "chasing me with whips" = :LOL:

  12. Not sure if this counts, but I dreamt I was at a family party and my grandad was rocking out to MK Ultra. It was hilarious to watch! There was also something non-Muse related, where I wanted to lie down in a wheat field, but couldn't due to there being too many crickets about. I tried to get rid of them by using my pillow as a boomerang, without great success...

  13. My dreams can be so melodramatic sometimes!


    I was in these kind of moors I suppose, outside a small remote villiage and all these identical tall blonde women in black suits on black horses were seaching for me under matts orders (they were his minions or something).


    So I ran into one of the huts and there was a family in there they said I could hide with them.... but then the guards stormed in an demanded to see that we each had a copy of the 'little red book'... as in chairman maos 'little red book' :wtf:

    When they left I was hurried outside unitl we heard this loud crash, I looked over and some giant beast on a chain was being lead out of the old catherdal in the village :eek:


    Next thing I know Im still running from matt, but Im in dark, dank halls with a faint bluish llight (I think I might be in the catherdal) and this time Matt is actually following me, but I can only see his figure in the distance wearing some black heavy coat. I keep running and go through a gate but theres no floor on the otherside, just a really steep staircase that has worn out. I'm hanging on the the ledge with a sharp drop into a black abyss below me and I hear matts footsteps and see his shadow loom over me and I go into a panic, he was going to get me!! :eek:


    So I take a breath and let go of the ledge and fall, rather than be caught by Matt :stunned:


    Vaugely as I'm waking up I remember Matt picking up my uncouncious body and taking me away! :eek:


    What a Melodramatic dream :rolleyes:


    Wow! That's a brilliant dream...



    Your emoticon confuses me... :p What? I thought it's every Muser's dream.


    I guess I was a bit surprised; my subconscious is not usually so kind! :p

  14. Latest dream was sort of like Flash Forward. People were made to do something they'd always wanted to (instead of passing out) for 2 mins, by a race of aliens that were in orbit at the time...

    Matt kissed Dom :erm:

    I then tried to explain to the government what happened, but I wasn't being very coherent about it and just kept waffling on.

    That is all.

  15. Had 2 Muse dreams last night:


    1) Simon Pegg was reading out Muse-related news and regular news bulletins from the past year (I'd been watching Spaced stuff recently, which is why he was in it). He mentioned that Chris had had a son then went on to say "...he got shot. Oh wait, that was someone else's son who got shot, not Chris's"


    2) I was going to see Muse at what was supposed to be the Echo Arena, but which looked like a sports hall. I met up with my friend and we were about to sit down, but she wasn't listening to what I was saying. To get her attention, I headbutted the chair I was about to sit on, and it made me pass out for a bit, and I felt really sick. This meant I couldn't stay to watch the gig, because I felt really ill. I woke up with a headache. Very weird...

  16. i had a dream the other night that matt was in the kitchen at my house cutting a pizza with a pizza cutter. I walked in to get some pizza and matt started singing 'it's the circle of knife!!' y'know. like the lion king...


    Haha! That's brilliant!


    I had a strange dream about being in Matt & Dom's old house, and we had to tidy it up, because all my nan's old childhood things were scattered everywhere...

    I was chatting to Chris and Matt about something, when Matt spotted Dom talking to a load of fangirls and went over to join him. Chris and I just chuckled at his silliness. :rolleyes:

    There was also some sort of double cot, which had special bits attached where you could keep your feet warm and Matt and Dom went to sleep in it.:confused:

    Very weird! :LOL:

  17. Had a series of bizarre dreams this morning [including me being possessed by a demon girl :stunned:], the Muse one, however, was this:


    I was at a Muse gig, but I think Chris was playing the drums, because I couldn't see him. Matt and Dom were at the front of the stage doing some kind of rap-type thing (a bit like how Linkin Park are set up), but they were dressed like fauns (see picture below)

    ...except they were wearing braces, and had really well-defined chest muscles ;)


    It was very peculiar...


  18. really weird/beautiful muse dream last night

    so Citizen Erased was playing loud and for the first few seconds it was just black and then when when the lyrics set in it was like this small pale girl being yelled at in an interogation room and then at "the truths unwinding scraping away" it was like these big loony bin nurses had to come and take her away and lock her up. and then at the slow part "self expressed exhausting for all" it was like everyone was just walking away from her and she was left alone. And then when it started to pick up at like the middle of the song (which was playing louder than ever) it was like she was getting angry and she was throwing things and at the "for one moment i wished you'd hold your stage" everything around her was just crumbling away and she was just screaming and then when it slowed down again it was like she was naked and wrapped up in an old army issue green blanket in a dark hallway that was lighter as you went east and she was just sobbing into her arms. and then as the song lifted up she stood up and started walking down towards the light and there were stairs at the end and the bottom stair was black and the stairs were wide and tall and they went from black to gray to the top stair which was just pure white and as she reached the top stair it was an arch way with a drain and matt was singing wash it away and then water started pouring and she was all clean and then at "erase all the memories" her hair and skin just kind of started falling away and she was just like those figures on the absolution cover but all white and at "ive seen all i'll ever be" she walked to the edge and just fell down into just black.


    :eek: Wow! That's amazing!

  19. I dreamt that I was filming a Muse documentary with my eyes. They were onstage and had all their instruments set up, but they were doing a comedy gig instead. Matt was trying to tell an anecdote about a jumper, but Jimmy Carr interrupted him and called across the room to Noel Fielding asking him about his anecdote concerning a jumper. Matt looked a bit pissed off. I really really wanted to stay and continue watching the comedy gig, but there was a plague on its way, so I had to leave [by means of my mum's motorbike, which I was still learning how to ride. I got stopped by the police, then someone gave me a book - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - and said I could use this to get off. Then I was in Wallingford park (originally I was at home, in Padgate), and the dream went a bit blurry and incoherent, so I woke up]

  20. I had the freakiest Muse dream to date this morning.


    I was at a gig, right near the front (in the press pit, I think). Matt was already on stage, huddled over a piano on the right. Dom was being lowered onto the stage by some wires, to the tune of Back In Black by AC/DC. He was completely naked, or so I thought, until I realised that he was wearing a large, plastic penis with a 2" clear cube at the end of it (WTK??), and an elbow-length chainmail glove on his right hand...

    They start to play their first song, but it's absolute rubbish, because Matt keeps laughing at Dom and mashing the piano keys, and Dom is beat-boxing (terribly) instead of playing the drums. I think (I can't remember this bit too clearly) Chris was dressed in a clown suit and miming along, playing an inflatable bass.

    Then I realise that I'm watching all of this on a screen with my nan and my sister, even though we were supposed to be going to a market to buy chicken fillets.


    I woke up, facepalmed a few times, before giggling for about 5 minutes...

    Mental, no?

  21. :LOL: thats a pretty cool dream actually! Had a bit of everything!


    haha if I was Chris, matt would so not be allowed near my kids:p


    Haha, yeah, it was really nice! It made me realise that if I ever met Muse I'd want to talk to Chris, because he's the least intimidating... :$

  22. I was at Muse's villa in Lake Como, because they were having people over to discuss how well they thought the treasure hunt went. I hadn't taken part in the first stage, because it seemed too embarrassing (you had to go up to Muse and ask them something, to get the key), but I had done 3 of the tasks. It wasn't the actual treasure hunt; it was set in towns in Italy, which I just happened to be in at the time. Anyway, I was talking to Chris about how great it was, but I felt slightly guilty, because he was talking to me like I'd been to all of the locations, when I hadn't. So I told him that I hadn't been to the first one, because I'd have felt like I was invading their privacy. He dismissed it, and said, "Nah, it's fine - it's nice seeing everyone so keen to get involved". The conversation was going really well; much better than it would in real life, no doubt. Matt and Dom were sort of in the background acting like little kids, and they were annoying me slightly, which was a bit peculiar.

    Then the scene changed, and I was watching a video of a 'making of the treasure hunt', which had text superimposed over it, describing what would have been the clues, but it was of an argument between Matt and Dom and someone who at first I thought was a Muse fan, but then turned out to be one of Chris' children. I could tell this, because they were saying things like "...because Uncle Matt says you can't!" Matt was yelling at someone else for leaving notes everywhere and annoying him. Matt put them in the freezer to try and get rid of them, before realising it was a stupid idea. Then we were outside again, next to what was supposed to be a swimming pool, but had all these old concrete slabs (the kind you'd get in Walton Gardens, or similar parks), which a Muse fan was sitting on. Matt yelled at them for being risky. Then I woke up. At 5am. Again.

  23. Had my first Muse related dream in a while last night.


    I was on a beach in Ireland in the 1940's and I had my hair done up I payed a lot of attention to the hair mostly because dream Kat was like "where did I get this done? I never do my hair!" I remember thinking it was cold and when I turned to go back to the house (apparently I was within walking distance of it?) Matt was there with a military uniform on and he was holding a letter in his hand. I walked up to him and told him he was late. He apologized and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away and told him it might be too late. He smiled a little sadly and said nothing is ever too late if you don't want it to be. He tried to get me to look at him but I turned around and kept walking the beach and he followed after me. He asked me why I wouldn't talk to him and I told him that once someone has been away fighting off death for a year, there really isn't anything to talk about. He grabbed my hand and held me to him and put my hand over his heart. He said that we could talk about his heart (it got relatively mushy so I will spare you), and I said first love is great for what it is but it was last love I was interested in. He looked me straight in the face and said that I was his last love. I didn't know what to say to that, but I did say his name and it wasn't Matt. It was Caelum.


    The end. So weird. But very pretty and very real and it made me feel like it was a memory.


    That is so cute! :happy: My dreams never have narratives; they're just a series of weird events, like all my old high school friends having children, then thinking I'm scum, because I didn't have kids... odd, but meaningless...

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