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Posts posted by Shizugatake

  1. Went to see a play with school, called "Elcerlyc". Dutch play, with local actors, but it's not that famous I think. Anyway, It's about a young rich spoiled boy, who get's all the girls he wants, but in the end, he gets aids... Just before the play started, me and my mates where joking about the stage set up, looking a bit like the '06 muse tour stage setup. So the play started, pretty casual, but then, during the play, we heard the first seconds of Hyper Music,the scatching with the plectrum. Then, we saw the video clip of Bliss, but with New born over it :p Still, it was pretty cool to see Muse in such a random event.


    A link ( In Dutch ) for those who might be interested :LOL:



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