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Posts posted by benhs1898

  1. Sounds expensive since the big selling point was the "affordable" MB signature guitar. I feel like a satin silver painted Cort MB is more realistic to have the Delorean look. But if that's what they said...


    ...Just curious of how good of quality we would see in the MIDI screens by Cort mass producing them.


    Again, I think they would opt for the black or red version. Considering the screen is a MGW design, they could probably do something similar to the pickup situation. I can't seeing the screen costing more than 100-200 extra. Still way cheaper than the MA.


    They did say there are no plans for it any time soon though.

  2. Looks very nice! Shouldn't the hi and lo stickers be the other way round though? Always thought Bellamy had his Lo for the regular sustain and the Hi for the Harmonic mode. Or is the Sustainiac switch just reversed as compared to the Fernandes sustainers?

    Anyways, looking very good!


    Hey, thanks! Well from how the sustaniacnoperates on mine, the low position suatains the low e while the hi position sustained the B. Center is harmonic.

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