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Posts posted by icerose06




    i love endlessly. it reminds me of the city at night. mostly of Savannah, Ga downtown at nite.


    hate this & i'll love you




    house of the rising sun. that beginning riff, OH MY GAWWWD! MM-Mm-mm

  2. I play sunburn too fast on the piano, but I find it doesn't quite sound right if I slow it down (the first and third bars do, its just the 2nd bit)

    its not that it was too fast, its that she kept on fukin it up cuz he/she didnt want to take the time to actually learn it.

  3. i heard someone playing, ehem, trying* to play sunburn on the piano in one of the practice rooms here in my music college. he/she was going to fast and kept fukin it up. i know that they know that i know MUSE as well cause i sometimes play MUSE's song on the piano and sometimes i get real loud. :p i hope they aren't on this board. if so, im sorry :ninja:

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