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Status Updates posted by SOUSOUS

  1. Sorry for answering so so late :-(


    We can hope about "promotionnal" show cases here in europe, before the real start of the tour.


    But anyway, already planned my european part, should be about 12-14 gigs ;-)

  2. when i was in Cherbourg, there were plenty of Wines and Beers supermarkets, cheaper rather than in UK as you can guess, so it was obvious that, well, a small gid, then shopping in town.


    I will be honest, i dont remember at this time how "Muse" was, i just think how strange i attended a young teens gig then , more than 10 years after, this band is so known and fantastic :D




  3. Well, in 1995, i was in the French Navy, and this "Charleston Bar" was a kind of HQ when we were off duty. there were lot of young teens bands who where playing and guess at this time, i was more interested by my pint of beer rather than teens making loud noises ;-)


    And for the BHR 2006-2008 Tour, my favourite gig ? well, not easy to answer !

    Maybe Taiwan, Dubaï, Eden Park, Bogotà and the 2006 Tv Show case in paris (yes, not easy to answer)

  4. Being two weeks late, thanks for your message, Gocanux

  5. Hello, i see that you are going to Argentina and Chile too. You said Front rows for Argentina ? i got a ticket on the 2nd row (seems to be a "real theater with seats on the ground, strange for Muse !!)


    Regards from Paris, France, Chris

  6. Hello, disons que je calque mes vacances sur la tournée de Muse depuis bientot 2 ans, donc oui, je vais specialement au Chili et en Argentine pour la tournée.


    Paris ? j'espere aussi qu'ils y repasseront rapidement.



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