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Posts posted by Moss

  1. The end is like the grand finale of a middle school musical about world peace. Yawning parents are ready to go home but they have to sit through six more minutes of this crap and pretend to be proud.


    brilliant :LOL:


    Did they credit Elgar??


    i think the license on his music has ran out, no credit needed (legally) even stuff like space dementia is full of Rachmaninov progressions...

  2. This is starting to get irritating. Is it that hard to compose your own piece?


    I think that when music is written, the ideas and concepts have to marry well with the feelings and sentiments. I think without that partnership music is sterile...


    This song/album, for me, needed moments like "I need to LOVE" in Madness.

  3. Undisclosed Desires was completely different and, by the sounds of it, there's gonna be some form of dubstep on the next album.


    yeah undisclosed was... i DO have high expectations probably....


    dubstep you say? :unsure: interesting...



    ohh... and support this!


  4. Exogenesis was experimental, Take A Bow was experimental, KOC was experimental, Soldier's Poem was experimental to an extent, Assassin was quite experimental, MK Ultra was fairly experimental...


    The list goes on. They aren't making music solely to make money from it and they are still very interested in experimenting with music. Oh and they already have a huge global fanbase and have made plenty of money.


    I'm all for slagging Muse off but if you're going to do it, have justified reasons.


    You've definitely mentioned some good examples of some experimentation, but there's certainly braver directions they could venture into. I'd just like to see real big genre shifts, or some bold moves into things that perhaps really challenge their abilities to create. If you look through history at what painters and sculptors have done, you can see some really outlandish choices that artists have made!

  5. Just this second heard can't take my eyes off you on an ad for living tv!! "naaaa naa naaaa naa naaa naa na na na naaaa naa naa naa naaaaaa...i love you...." :p


    I was watching that 100 funniest moments of TV on channel 4 last night. And it showed a flashback to trigger happy TV, with the snail crossing the road. And they used Unintended on it :LOL: Haha... I know it's a slow song but it still seems a very random choice...


    I saw that too girl friend!!! Mmmhmm! *shakes head black girl style*

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