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Posts posted by [DT|_Me]DEADSTAR

  1. First time that I heared Muse


    My story goes back quite a bit in time. It was the year 2000 when I went to Greece with family and friends. Since I was a bit bored only watching sand/water and no beautiful bikinigirls for over a week (the next one we did a tour to see all the cultural aspects) I went to a marked. As you might now every second seller in Greece sells either fake or stolen goods :D Thats why the alwas sell it on an blanket that they can pull the ends and leg it :D


    One guy sold poor faked CD's for almost nothing so I picked a few among them was OK Computer from Radiohead LOL and of course Showbiz from Muse :D So the place where I actually heared muse for the first time was on a sunbed at the beach on the mainland next to the island Lesbos.


    ...two weeks later I bought myself an original copy :) But I still only got that copy of OK Computer :D

  2. that's why they want you to pay within hours... so then can relist if it was fun... doesn't do enough damage...


    you better buy of them. Pay with paypal and when you got your Tickets (ATTENTION!!! you only have 30-60 days insured transfer - don't buy now because the time you'd receive the tickets you can't do anything if they dont send) claim on paypal to have received an empty letter... Have fun with your free tickets...

  3. it's ok, no harm done. i didn't mean to make you feel guilty, i just had images of some kids who might think messing with touts could be funny. yeah some of them are just chancers looking to make a little money, but a lot of them take what they do very seriously. i give them a wide berth myself.


    True, oh no don't worry you were right. When you write something you just assume that everyone is kinda grown up and can decide for themselves what a good or bad idea is. Thankfully some people like you remind others of that.


    Well I hope you all get tickets without those scumbags!

  4. no offence mate, but this is really bad advice. especially as there are a lot of teenagers on here who might think winding up touts is funny and get more than they bargained for.


    i dont know about switzerland but in the UK touting is practiced by some pretty nasty characters who don't take kindly to people taking the piss. if they think you're having a laugh then you're very likely to get a swift slap at best and possibly worse. these are guys it's a good idea not to mess around with, the best weapon is just to ignore them and not buy from them.


    Hmm I only have the image of touting in GB and their nasty characters from the latest Guy Richie movie. But I never thought that'd be really the way it is. Over here they're mainly some freelance-assholes. Some of those guys seem to be really nasty nord-east-europeans. They don't discuss they got a price and sell it for exactely the price and nothing else. You shouldn't mess with them either but it seems to be a lot worse in GB.


    I'm really sorry about giving a false image to some people here because I don't know how it works in other countries. I don't want anyone to make something stupid because of me. Obviously it doesn't work everywhere!!!

  5. Not to mention the Premier League in particular has a lot of clout and a vast amount of money. They can afford to throw lawyers at eBay such that eBay will just give in even if there's no actual law against touts.


    Premier & Football League are as bad as touts in my book though. They ensure everyone pays absolutely the maximum prices possible, limit supply to increase demand, force people to go the season ticket route, and then flog the TV rights to premium TV companies, blocking fans from seeing matches unless they pay up yet more money. What gets me is the likes of the BBC, ITV and even Sky Sports News cannot show just a tiny clip (like of a goal) live because the TV rights are so stitched up. Though at least we do get highlights, but it's the same old handful most of the time.


    Oh, and then they wade in against anyone with a camera at a match also to ensure their official photos get premium money. Yet most gigs these days let modest snapshot cameras go without much fuss.


    Sorry, went off on a bit of a rant there :D


    I wish you hadn't said sorry at the end. It's so true...


    What ebay does it's nothing but really to ensure that people pay the highest possible price. Otherwise touts would just set one when selling.


    What we do when we need a ticket in front of a venue is the following.


    We go to such a ****er ask for the price then a friend of us attends next to the tout as a fake-tout and offers us his tickets (which are obviously our own) to a much more reasonable price. That completely angers the tout and most of the time he immediatly calls the price or goes bellow it. When we buy it then we shake hands with our fake-tout and say to the tout: "thank you we need to go to the concert now" :p


    Ok I know it only works when the mass with no tickets is not that big. I can imagine that in lager cities that would completely fail like in London but over here in Switzerland it works. It even worked on AC/DC Tickets when the average tout-price for a standing ticket was around 300 Pounds+.


    There are a few tout-faces over here you see in front of every ****ing concert. I feel the urge to hit and kick them really bad.


    Why don't we just overrun them like a flash-mob then take em all tickets away? I mean **** them, they probably made enough money to cover all tickets already by then.

    You can't actually call it robbery then, can you? Ok it's assault but who cares, so many people just overrun them that doesn't even have to hurt. Hold Arms and legs and search him - get the tix, supply the poor with 'em and vanish in all directions.

    That would be after all a really good deed :p Playin Robin Hood actually :p


    hmm I guess now I have to say sorry. There were several ****'s... But I got caught by the suject...

  6. Just how recently? You waiting for the 2010 tour? There will be new codes I believe... But then again 2 pounds is nothing. A day before the U2 fanclub sale was on the codes cost up to a couple of grand per code....


    that's just insane.


    No the code's for tomorrow. Bought it the day before yesterday

  7. Oh yeah massive facepalm! U2 had unique presale codes for every memebr and those codes costs up to 2 000 dollars on ebay. Like wtf???? It's only a code for your chance to buy the ticket and the ticket itself.


    actually I must confess I bought a O2 code off ebay recently but that one was like 2 GBP. I don't care. So I get at least a good chance to get all the tickets for my people.


    Bye the way I think we should mass-overrun those Ticketsellers in front of the venues. Take em all ticks away. Are they gonna call the cops? LOL

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