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Posts posted by funkadelic2

  1. I think what makes this album work so well is that it succeeds where Muse have been faltering for a long time. Usually when a new album comes out the singles grab my attention enough to give the whole thing a chance. It goes well enough at first but there's always a point where I start cringing, and even if the album has a few bangers I can't listen all the way through. Then I end up forgetting about it.

    This time it only got better as it went along, which was such a relief. The only songs I had some difficulty with were Liberation and Compliance, but they don't overstay their welcome so it's ok, and Compliance has enough of a catchy melody to still be enjoyable.

    Ghosts, Verona, and Euphoria are normally the type of songs which bring the album to a grinding hault. In this case I consider them highlights because they feel genuinely emotional rather than sappy and trite. Ghosts in particular is strong both lyrically and melodically, even if it might not be to everyone's tastes. I can't remember the last time Matt managed that for a slow song. Maybe Hoodoo?

    And though the fun dancey slot is one of my favourite parts of their albums, they don't necessarily work live. Halloween sounds like it'll be a blast.

    It's not perfect, but I'd say it comes the closest to finding the ideal weld between old and new Muse. 







    Kill or Be Killed


    Will of the People

    Won't Stand Down



    Hasn't won me over:


    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Hat said:

    The Small Print and TOADA weren't very good when they came out

    Whatever your opinion, they fit into the kind of upbeat rock which was common in that era and no one seemed bothered about it. In the long-term however, it's the ironic unbothered sound like The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys people want. So whenever Muse delve back into pop rock it's treated as this awful thing.

  3. 8 hours ago, Clunge said:

    I said this with Revolt, but if Euphoria had been on Showbiz, it would be a massive massive fan favourite.

    Don't agree re the drums. I think they sound superb on this album. Really tight, clean, varied, bright – and big. This is a great 'instrument' album. Nearly every song is strongly 'instrument'-led, i.e. led. by guitar, piano or vocals. The synths and frills are all still there, but they take more of a back seat.

    Loving this more with every listen. I think Compliance will eventually be my least favourite, but it's still good.

    Sometimes with new Muse songs I feel like they're judged more harshly because that era of rock music has passed, they don't have the nostalgia factor, and fans are hearing them as adults instead of teens.

    Like most songs on Showbiz and songs like The Small Print, ToaDA, etc. would definitely be labeled cringe if they came out now.

    So I agree about Euphoria. It's a type of song I could see old Muse doing in some form and fans loving.  

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